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Recent Posts

  • How to connect with audiences

    I recently read an article in the ILM online ezine, which I particularly liked, by Hannah Moffat, about connecting with your audience at a conference when presenting. The article is full of useful hints and tips about what to do to keep it interesting. I have found in my experience that while all these useful hints and tips are excellent and all valid there is an underlying unspoken message that needs to be transmitted to make sure the audience are fully engaged and are given the best chance to understand what is being told to them.


  • Driving change for data governance

    There are many things about change which could be considered or discussed, whatever we think about change it is people that develop it, communicate it and are charged with making it work. Data Governance as a discipline is no different to this, except that like all intangible change it is difficult to ‘sell’ the benefits of it in its own right.


  • Opportunity is always knocking

    There is a view in life that we don't all get the same opportunities, or perhaps someone is much luckier than we are, I certainly had or perhaps still have that outlook. Yet just recently my view or opinion of that thinking has changed quite significantly.


  • Communicating change

    Business change and evolve continuously, whether that is in response to new regulations, external factors such as material shortages, new management teams or simply the normal churn of staff. Every time a business changes there is a need to communicate that change, quickly, effectively and simply; if that’s the case then what is it that makes communication so difficult or misunderstood.


  • The nights are drawing out

    And we move towards the start of the next year, I am looking towards Spring and how that will bring so much more new growth and longer days. The winter will be long behind us and we will be benefitting from the blossom and some warmer weather. I'm also looking at how I can improve myself over the next twelve months and thinking about how I can best impact my year to bring the maximum prosperity and benefit to my friends and clients alike. The start of the new year brings much positivity for most but not for all. For some it's simply another year to worry about, getting more clients, improving profitability and making sure we can get by.


  • The post change season

    Christmas has gone for another year (only 350ish shopping days to go!), the New Year has been and gone and we have all but discarded our resolutions (well some may have). The festive season as my previous blog goes into is a time of high octane, high emotion and for most a happy time with family. Once that feeling wanes, the nights still feel far too long, the weather is chilly and it's back to the grindstone for some more good old hard work. Often this return to work in the new year brings with it a feeling of lethargy and difficulty in getting going


  • The festive season is upon us

    Once again the magic of Christmas has descended on us (and according to the shops it has done since August, a different story) and its time for that long awaited break and let your hair down! I may seem like a bit of a Christmas bah humbug, but really I'm quite festive. Anyway enough of that, it will soon be time to welcome the new year and all the hassle that comes with it, another set of resolutions to fail at, more of the same from the previous year and of course all the change that will no doubt appear. The great thing is that it doesn't have to be like that at all!


  • The magic of metaphor

    The origins of storytelling are lost in the mists of time, no one actually knows when the first stories were told, certainly before man learned to write.


  • There is no failure only feedback

    For those of you that know about neuro linguistic programming (NLP) you will know this as an underpinning presupposition (which is a whole other set of discussions)read more...


  • The vagaries of people under pressure!

    I was returning from a trip to Barcelona recently and all was going very well, check in was good, arrival at the gate fine, boarding was very quick and we pushed back from the stand early! Flight time was only 1:40 to London Heathrow which was looking like a real result read more.....


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