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e: info@rubiconcoaching.co.uk
Ever wondered the reason for instructions not having been followed, or perhaps people producing something that you hadn’t asked for? This type of thing happens all the time whether its personal life or business, individuals or teams and managers or executives; many believe that they fully understand the people equation and yet they still suffer from misunderstanding, missed deadlines and high levels of conflict or friction.
Understanding our people and then using that to communicate, motivate and drive performance much more effectively is one of the most important tools that we have; that understanding could be for some an innate skill, for others an anathema. Whichever it is, the use of a psychometric profiling tool will bring real benefits; it will either confirm your understanding and possibly enhance it or it will bring clarity around themselves and others that they deal with.
There is a plethora of such tools in the marketplace; some have specific traits that they aim to measure such as management style or leadership capability; others are designed to look at improving sales people or driving improved motivation. All have their followers or detractors and all have a level of validation applied to them.
DISC is one of those tools, however with this approach you can tailor what you ask for by determining the context or the environment against which the questions are asked; as we are dealing with people DISC can be used to determine, management style, leadership capability, communication preference and many more traits.
So, if you’re looking for understanding of your people to bring that much vaunted improvement in effectiveness and productivity DISC is an excellent place to start; drop me a line at justin@rubiconcoaching.co.uk or call me on 07833296414 to find out more.
The DISC Personality Profiling assessment is provided by PeopleKeys who are based in the USA; PeopleKeys have undertaken extensive work to ensure their compliance with GDPR and your personal data (name and email address) will only be stored by them if you are invited to undertake an assessment; where the profile assessment is requested or offered as part of a product that you purchase from us we will gain your consent before inviting you to undertake the assessment. For more information about how your personal data is handled please see our privacy notice.