t: +34 711077597
m: 07833 296414
e: info@rubiconcoaching.co.uk
Motivation is the thing that makes us get up in the morning or seek out greater thrills and spills, it can have internal or external driving forces. These challenges that we create are directly influenced by our motivation whether that's to go to work, meet with friends or climb that higher mountain. Our motivation can also have an effect on others without us realising and this can cause problems in our personal or working lives.
Individuals and teams have peaks and troughs in terms of performance and relations; often these are linked to motivation; team members can struggle with issues either inside or outside the team. Sometimes the road to be travelled is just too long or the team can't find the start. There are any number of reasons for effects on motivation; however they are usually expressed as loss of performance, procrastination, poor delivery and internal conflict.
Motivation can be identified and addressed without any unnecessary management intervention activity; understanding the people and what drives them is key to motivation. This understanding is also key to how they are communicated with to get the best possible performance.
Rubicon-Motiv8 is a package that helps to identify the causes of poor motivation and highlights some approaches that can be used to address these issues bringing back the desired performance.